I feel like a lot of what I said early on in development fell on deaf ears or maybe wasn't passed down to the rest of the team, I'm not throwing anyone under the bus or blaming anyone but a lot of the problems I'm gonna list here are nitpicks I had way back when the game was in it's infancy.
-Game feels floaty, not bad by any means but for a rage platformer I expect the controls to be snappy and the game to feel fast and allow me to make mistakes quickly instead of having to slowly glide through the air and kinda softly land, feels weak.
-Speaking of weak, the game's sound effects and overall 'juice' just isn't present, luckily the music kicks ass so that can cover up some of it, but the lack of sound is just so boring to put it bluntly.
-The main mechanic in this game just is NOT explored, period. You can do most levels without dying so why even have the corpse mechanic in the game?
There are a lot of very talented peeps working on this and I'm glad you guys are taking criticism well and going out of your way to fix things, cause a lot needs fixed IMO, some of that falls in my lap cause I should have tested more and I'll take that fault.
I hope this game can become better cause the idea and vibes this game gives off is really promising, so PLEASE do not give up! I wish the rest of the team good luck :)