Really fun, simple match 3 game with a cute little twist and some surprising depth quirks
this game could have easily just been 'inspired' by old windows games but this honestly has such a nice and charming presentation with it's own ideas ALONG with it's inspiration being proudly worn on it's sleeve, really good stuff!
I was unable to beat the normal mode cause of my own lack of skill BUT, I really like the mechanic of being able to peak to other cards arounds you (even wrapping around to the other side) and being able to sudo-trap doom cards when they have no other spaces to move, even though it's kinda random it still makes you play risky and around them when most of the time I found myself playing as far away from them as to not set them off
I think the only thing I would tweak personally would be not having them erase there snail-trail goo marks when moving back spaces, it kinda felt unfair to reveal a card and not even have any sort of inkling it was a doom card, when any other time (first move or move after the card has swapped another card) there is atleast SOME indication that you may be choosing a doom card.